Quote Originally Posted by ben463 View Post
Sorry if I didn’t explain it good. I have a heat pad that is under the tank the heat pad is plugged into the thermostat. The thermostat is set at 91 degrees. There is a probe attachted to the thermostat and the probe lays on top of the coconut shavings in the hide. When she goes in the hide she goes over the probe and heats it up, so it says that it 91 in the hide when she is in there. But I don’t think that’s the actual temp because when she leaves the hide it drops to 83 then heats back up to 91.
Youve got the idea just wrong order..with the probe on top of your substrate it is not measuring the temperature of the heat pad or the glass which could be much hotter than the substrate above. If the substrate moves or the snake Burrows the ssnake canget burned. You must put the probe between the glass and your heat mat. Then you use a lazer thermometer or a thermometer with a probe on the inside glass floor of the tank under the substrate, never on top of your Wood chips or whatever your substrate is. This is why your temperature is getting all screwed up, the probe is not measuring your heat Mats temp. Thats dangerous. The Thermostat/probe reading should always be within a couple degrees of what you have it set for.

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