I have been researching the differences between pure Dwarf Burms (P.b.progschai) and the Half (50%) Dwarf Burms.

I know from personally experience that the F1-F2 pure Dwarfs are very defensive, and nippy especially as juveniles. Although I have had mine for a year now - they are still very much that way. I am hoping they will tame down some as they grow and get use to me.

I have heard that Half Dwarfs tend to have a temperament more like that of mainland burms - in that they can become puppy tame with regular handling. I have also heard that F3 or later generations of pure dwarfs are also easier to claim down.

The main reason I got the pure Dwarfs - is that I want a smaller Burm that is "puppy tame" or at least regularly handle without it attempting to bite me. I am considering getting a Half Dwarf - to have as pet Burm for now. But I never plan on breeding it to pure dwarfs. Eventually I would love to get or breed some F3 or F4 pure Dwarfs. But I have also been recently thinking about eventually maybe breeding the hypo/ivory morphs of the half Dwarf Burms, as well.

I would love to hear about other keepers experiences which either the pure Dwarf Burms or the Half Dwarf Burms.