My point is that if someone personally has never had a snake INJURED by being fed a live rodent how can they tell other people that they shouldn't feed live because their snakes could get hurt or because there is risk?
Right - because there is a risk.

That's all I am trying to say in the end, bro - that there is a risk and folks should be aware that it is not an imaginary one. That's all I am trying to say. I respect your opinion and that you are raising valid points regarding expediency etc in caring for such numbers - in your shoes I could not bring myself to distro 200+ f/t by myself - it would be entirely impractical.

I am EXTREMELY relieved that we've made it this far in this exchange without anyone screaming about their "mad herp skillz0rz" or flaming, bashing and denigrating others for their opinions and practices so kudos to all in that regard.

(if you want to lighten your load I'd be glad to take a few off your hands hehe - Smynx has no idea how close she came to burm ownership after I saw the two who'd been nibbled in the store yesterday)