Okay. So literally like 2 minutes ago my IR heating bulb for my ball python, Ramen, ran out. And me being the idiot that I am, instead of buying spare 75w bulbs (trust me my house is freezing so we need them!) I bought spare 50s. So he has a 50w bulb in now, and whilst the viv isn’t as cool as it would be, it’s still way cooler than I am comfortable with (currently reading at 72.0F). I won’t be able to get another bulb for around another 5 hrs since I don’t drive, and so can’t get to my local pet store in time. But could this temperature cause an RI in five hours? I really don’t want him to get sick, and right before the bulb went out it was reading at 78.4F, so I’m hoping that he will be okay. He moved into his warm hide while I was changing the bulb (I was being really slow and careful cos it had actually cracked and I didn’t want to smash it into my hand), and has since moved back onto the cool side. Surely if he got too cool he’d just move back to the warm hide?