I noticed my BP has been staying in his hide the majority of time since I started handling him more regularly. I'm wondering if theirs any correlation? After he was fully acclimated he started showing himself only in the evenings after 9pm but now I rarely see him if I go downstairs at that hour (or later). I did however see his little head half hanging out of the hide this morning.

As far as I can tell, he doesn't seem stressed when I hold him. He's pretty calm and doesn't show any signs of aggression. The main reason I'm asking is that I'm transitioning to F/T mice to F/T rats this week and I'm not sure if I should remove his hide when I try to feed him in the evening. Last week was the 1st time, I've had to remove it (since week1) because he was usually out at that hour. For reference, he's never eaten in front of me. I've always had to come back the next morning to see if the mouse was 'missing'.