So I have a zillia thermostat and i followed a guide in this site on how to set up a python tank . The probe that reads the temperature is usually inside the tank but my screen top dies not allow that or there will be a space where my python escape. And I read somewhere that the python can bump into it and cause a inaccurate reading and make the thermostat pump out more heat potentially burning the snake. So I followed the guide people on this sit have recommended me to put it between the heatmat and the outside tank bottom. But the think is I have it set to 90 at first it was working but now it would turn on and shut off in 5 min can someone help me the temperature inside the cage I measured with a digtial thermometer gun and it's only 83 . Do I need to raise it to 100 since the probe is measuring the outside which will be hotter since the inside is separated with glass.