:shock: I gotta admit that of all my snakes, the one that is the meanest and most hyperactive is this little old Garter Snake I bought for $20.00 from a pet store. This little snake is TOTALLY unhandleable and is purely a sort of display snake only....he bites, he musks and if handled will thrash around like crazy and poop on ya. He is highly alert and follows my motion near his enclosure. :? all in all, he is a very interesting example of the differences between a lethargic python ( my Ball Pythons ) and a highly active and nervous sort of colubrid snake.

I actually rather trip on this little snake - he only cost a few bucks but he provides me with entertainment - he actually seems to know I am around and reacts to my movement and gestures. I am just glad that he is not highly venomous ( although I think I have read somewhere that Garter Snakes may possess a weak venom ???? ) as if he was he would have nailed me by now. I refer to him as my little green mamba.... :wink:

The EyeLashViper