Quote Originally Posted by Zincubus View Post
Stunning , love BRBs ....

I dream of having a Hypo Hi Red / Orange but they're about 5 times the usual cost in the uk and pretty hard to locate anyways .

As regards uploading photos , get yourself the free TapaTalk app , more or less one-click photo upload option

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Most of my photos are taken with my DSLR so I wouldn't be able to upload them on the app. I do have the app though, it's how I post most of my non-photo responses.

The hypos aren't cheap here, but they're ok priced. Homura was around $500-600 USD. She's a very nice hypo, I was unfortunately late on nabbing her even brighter brother but she's not too shabby herself. I plan on getting another high color hypo in the future.

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