Hey guys,
Last Friday a pair of 2016 Sumatrans (chrome heads) and a 2015 Matrix Het T+ Albino female were delivered. Other than pulling their tubs out to check temps and humidity (both of which seem to be perfect) I have pretty much left them alone to get settled in. According to the breeder, their feeding day has been on Mondays, so I attempted to feed them yesterday. I got the female Sumatran to eat, but the other two wouldn't eat. So, I guess i'll just wait and try again next Monday... Anyway, just from the little bit of interaction I have had with these three so far, I can say they are pretty much vicious as Hell! lol They will basically throw their whole bodies up out of the tub and try to bite my face off! I knew what I was getting into with these species, so this is no surprise. I knew they would take some work to get tamed down...

So, my question is, how long would you guys recommend that I let them get settled in before I start trying to handle them? And, other than hook training and starting out with gloves, does anyone know of any other methods for getting these species to tame down? The breeder said that they have had very little handling...

~ Aedryan