Hey guys, I'm Elisa

I've never owned or cared for a reptile- let alone a snake!
But I have recently fallen in love with ball pythons. I work as a dog groomer at a pet store which sells them and they are such amazing animals (not to mention super adorable) ! So, naturally, I have been doing a boat load of research... I want to provide the best home possible for my future snake <3

I really like the idea of a bio-active or planted setup but I am not really sure what (or if) live plants are suitable for ball pythons. I've heard that sturdier plants like banana plants and pathos are good options?
Please let me know your thoughts and opinions on planted vs. non-planted setups....or if you have any other plant species suggestions

There is a reptile expo in my area on March 18th.
So I figured this would be a great place to get my snake.
I really like the idea of purchasing directly from a breeder as opposed to a pet-store (for many reasons).
Also, any tips for a beginner-snake-owner-to-be would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks so much !