I need some help guys. About 4 or 5 weeks ago I found a king snake in my yard. He looked like he had eaten something that was a lump more than 3/4 of the way down his body. He was sitting in a patch of sunlight, presumably to warm up. He would come and go every day for weeks. Even got used to me and the dogs and didn't mind being petted. The lump is still in the same place it's always been. I know his metabolism slows down when it's cold, but it's been weeks now with no change. It's gotten pretty cold, with frost on the ground in the morning. I've caught him laying out in the rain at night, like he got too cold before he found shelter. I cover him up when I find him, but I'm so worried about him. He's sort of developed a patch of rough skin on his bulge, too. So far, he's still alive, but if there's anything I could be doing to help him, I would be glad to. I've never seen a snake that didn't disappear for the winter. I can only think he's picked a hole that fills with rain and forces him out. Any suggestions? I'm half in love with him, (or her) but I can't feed a meat eating snake. Should I bundle him up and find a snake vet? Thanks.