about 2 months ago I purchased my first BP from a local shop " Reptile Universe" in Eugene. Since the breeder is friends with the owner they did not tell me the baby BP's they had out were sick. few days go by and I notice my BP has mites as well as stopped eating. The shop never called to tell me the rest of the clutch passed away. another week goes by and my snake passed away to weak to handle might treatment. I talked with own of the managers and he offered to replace the snake at no charge, get it from a different breeder and keep it separate to ensure its safety and health. we get the snake home and the box they put her in for travel had dead mites on the inside.... I picked the snake up less than 5hrs ago and its foaming at the mouth, rubbing its head on everything and open mouth breathing. we took it back to the shop and they said to raise the temperature to 90degrees (without explaining that it had an RI) and told us to bring it back on Tuesday if its not doing any better so they could observe it. first I'm frustrated that the replacement snake was made available even though its sick, second that they didn't immediately take it back to treat it, and 3 that the snake immediately let me boop it and is super friendly and gorgeous...and now might die on me yet again.

I would not recommend this place for purchasing pets. Next time I will be going to a friends favorite breeder instead.