I've done a lot of research and have decided GTPs and ETBs meet my house requirements well so know it's to find one. But I can't really tell the difference in personality, price, and a few other things maybe some experts out there could answer for me. So what I know is GTPs start out at yellow or red, there is different localities with more defensive ones like biaks and more tame ones like aru, sorong, jayapura. They both get around 3-6 foot ETBs a bit bigger than GTPs, so ETBs eat bigger meals but less often. I know it's hard to find GTPs and ETBs captive bred and born and especially hard to find ETBs. (Anyone know a good GTP etb breeder?). Also, they have the same heating/humidity requirements and pretty much the same caging requirements. And for ETBs there is Amazon basin which is hard to find, expensive, much cooler than northerns, bigger, and more docile. And northerns are smaller, easier to find, cheaper. But which are "generally more tame" I know specific animals are different but is GTP or etb more tame, in general. Also, in your guys experience which is more tame, less expensive, and eats better? This keeping in mind is that I'd get captive bred and born not farm bred or wild caught. Anyways any pros and cons of them or anysecret tips would be helpful on any part of their care. And lastly are they really as defensive and fragile as they say they are even once past their spine has developed? Thanks for taking your time to read this