For 15 years i showed and bred bloodhounds, they are known for their nose work, thats why when i had a litter half was promised out to police and sherrifs departments. I even had one boy who went to alaska for cadava dog training. One of my boys made his first assistarrest in minnasota at only 9 mo. old. I am not their trainer, just their proud mommy, and breeder. The ones that did not serve in search and rescue or tracking did me very proud in the show ring. Now i am retired and most of my guys are retired, but You can be sure i will always be proud of my babies accomplishments. Your Aussies are beautiful, and like all of the hearding breeds are relentless workers and love to please. You have the perfect breed to do any of the things you listed, they also can be great at french ring, because of their intellegence and protective abilility, which is in the breed already. good luck.