So I'm raising rats, mice, and ASFs in glass aquariums and have been running into a few problems... I'm putting Velcro on the water bottles and on the sides of the tank, working pretty good so far to hold up the water bottles but I'm finding that after sterilizing the tanks and washing them out every week that the Velcro on the tank is failing (after being wet) and needs to be replaced fairly often. Also, the rats are starting to chew up and eat the Velcro on the sides of the tank. So I was thinking... has anyone ever seen water bottle stands made from PVC pipe? Seems like they would be pretty easy to make, just cut a PVC pipe to length, drill a hole for the nipple to go through, and maybe glue it to a small piece of wood or plastic to keep it upright in the tank. Since I have several different size water bottles I'd probably need several sizes of PVC pipe stands. Any thoughts?

I'm also finding that under the hides the rats / mice / ASFs are pushing out all the bedding, then end up sitting on glass. I think it kind of freaks them out seemingly being suspended in mid air, so they end up sitting in a corner outside of the hide. Anyone using glass tanks and do you put anything on the bottom of the tank under the bedding? I'm thinking cardboard but that would be a pain to cut to size every week... newspaper may work but they would probably chew it up real fast...