Hello all, new forum member here but not new to the BP hobby or lurking this forum.

But I have a question.. Does anyone else wish to share a story on unusual hides for BPs?

several months ago while cleaning Wednesdays (her name) cage I put her on my floor mat where she usually hangs out while I clean, this particular day though I had a roll of paper towels on the mat as well,
well she went straight to it and crawled inside and balled up with her head peeking out. Super cute.

now oddly, she kept doing this each time I cleaned and so I wondered...hmmm. so I took an empty paper towel roll and put it in her cage and she uses this now all the time, doesn't like her fancy two hides, or anything else, just loves her some paper towel rolls.

Now serious question, there isn't anything wrong with this is there? I change the roll bi-weekly (as I don't want it to rot) but is there anything else I should consider when using a paper towel roll?

I just hate to remove her favorite hide but if there is any cause for concern I would do it immediately.

now ....
anyone else out there have odd hides their BPs' enjoy more than the standard fare?