Ok, First off I don't have pics yet........I will soon though I would just like to explain what it looks like for now and also what I have in it since I have just completed setting it up! I really want to get some input on it! Ok, First off it is a 55 gallon high. I have plexi-glass over 3/4 of the top. The part that isnt covered is were I have his Daytime light and his NightTime light. Then I have a human heating pad under the tank. On the inside I have two hides. This tree branch like thing and a water dish in the center. I also have a Hydrometer/Thermometer in there. I use paper towel as a substrate for now........I am planning on stitching to ECO EARTH. I really want to hear what people think and if they think I should add something. I will get some pics up soon.