I just recently adopted my first ball python, a 3 year old male. He's been very good so far, he seemed to adjust very well to the move from his old owner's home, and I've held him twice without incident. I just moved him into a new tub because his old owner had him in an aquarium and it didn't maintain proper humidity levels. Now whenever I open the lid he raises up and stretches his head toward me and flicks his tongue. I'm not sure if he's interested in striking at me or if he's just curious. He's only actually struck at me once when I was feeding him. This morning when I opened his cage to change his water and he stretched out toward me I sort of nudged him aside with the feeding tongs so I could reach the water and he didn't flinch back or anything. Anyway, I was just wondering if he's just curious or if he's stressed out and wanting to bite. Any input would be greatly appreciated.