My husband used to keep hots before I met him. Years of experience keeping them in his home, was paid to pick them up from airport and transport them to destination after confirming live arrival. I know he has handled eyelash vipers, spitting Cobras, gilas, gaboons, etc. there are more, but those are the specific ones I've heard stories about.

Me? I've only handled what can be bought in a big box pet store. I know hubby wants a hot again, specifically the eyelash viper. I've forbidden hots in the house as of right now, but I'm willing to learn. As I end up caregiver to our animals, I refuse to have an animal I don't know how to handle. It would be my fault if someone (probably me) died because I had to fill a water dish or something equally asinine.

Ive made the mistake of googling, and came up with every gory horror story that's out there. I didn't need to see the propaganda, I need the actual non hysterical facts from those who have experience. Can someone point me in the right direction for my research? Hubby just says I don't have to worry about it since he will do the husbandry. Riiight... I heard that about the bps and the ferrets. Guess who just spent the morning stunning mice and cleaning poo?

Hope someone can help me learn!