I know this forum is pretty slow but I figured I'd just ask.

I was thinking about if I bred asf's how many tubs of everything I'd need. I have a handful of 10 gallons, so I'd most likely use a couple of those for breeding groups and then use larger tubs for grow outs. But at what age are asf usually fed off to adult bps? I know if you let them grow out for over a year they'll put on plenty of size, but that just seems silly to wait that long. Going by the size chart that's stickied here it seems like when they're 3 months old they're around 50g and according to the care sheet they're about 60-70g at 4 months old. I'd much rather feed off two 4 month olds than wait a year for one rat to get 100+g. So is that when people usually feed them off?

I'm asking all of this because it's hard for me to plan out how much space I really need for a couple trios. Some places make it sound like people are growing out asf for 7+ months and that just sounds like a LOT of grow outs to be taking care of.

If anyone else is breeding asf with a small collection I'd love to hear what you have for your asf. I'm at 4 snakes now but that will change once the girls can start breeding.