I have a dilemma. My roommate loves snakes, which is great. It has allowed me to slowly get back into keeping them. Then he brought a rather terrifying question the other day about how he would go about getting himself a, female green anaconda, specifically. He went on and on about how he's always wanted one since he was a kid. I have nothing against owning larger snakes but I have never had a drive to obtain one, especially an anaconda. Boas have always been the largest I have personally been comfortable with and I leave the retics and berms for my uncle.

This is where my dilemma comes from. My roommate likes snakes but I can't even get him to hold my 2 foot baby royal. I mean granted he's a little on the nippy side but he's a baby. My roommate is still terrified of touching him and being bit. If he somehow finds a way to get his hands on an anaconda, guess who's getting herself an anaconda? Because I guarantee he won't touch it. I'll be the one to take care of it, etc.

I've tried so hard to talk him out of it but he shuts down and doesn't want to hear it. He sees people on the Internet with nice calm greens on the camera, so he for some reason assumes that's the way it will always be. I've been researching husbandry and keeping anacondas so I can try to combat him with facts and that he may be getting in over his head with this and hoping to all that is holy that he doesn't somehow get his hands on one. I'm hoping he gets himself a corn or something instead. Or that he'll get over a baby snake bite and start handling the one he already lives with. Baby steps. I don't thing anyone should jump head first to an anaconda but he believes he will have time to learn as it grows. Even so... how to I talk him out of this? I've been nice I've been harsh I've been logical. He can barely take care of his dog. I'd hate to place an anaconda in his hands. I'm not big on rehoming pets if I can help it but if he ends up with one and I'm the one to care for it alone I am worried that I won't be able to handle her when she's grown. Not a smart move and I will rehome her myself if I must. I'd like to skip that step altogether. Help. How do you talk people out of this when their mind is set?