I have been keeping tegus for 10 years, and have never had a problem with getting them to live together. I used to have a trio of two reds and a b/w, all adult males together for some years. I introduced them and at first the smaller red got pushed around a bit, so I separated them and when he caught up in size, I introduced them again and they lived together for years fine.

Then, I injured my arm, and decided to downsize my reptile collection because I wasn't mobile for a while. I sold the reds (something I deeply regret) and kept the b/w, which today is about 11 years old and doing well.

My arm is all better now, and I have started increasing my number of reptiles again, including tegus. I first purchased a b/w female and introduced to my male, and they cohabitate very well. Then, a month or so later, I took in an adult red male from a family who didn't want to keep him anymore. He was described as a healthy adult male red tegu, which was tame and never attacked a human. All this is true. What I found out was that he attacked other tegus.

He would chase and bite the female, which I thought was breeding behaviour, even though there was no huffing or jowl popping. However, he started biting the male too, at which point I separated them as the others were stressed.

The two b/w are in their huge pen, while the red is put into an indoor 6x6 foot. The red doesn't seem happy in there as he's been outdoor all his life. I sm a bit worried if he would refuse to defecate in sn indoor enclosure as my b/w did till moved to a huge communal envlosure. The b/ws seem happy he's gone.

Now, I really would like to introduce them again at some point. I have had tegus which were aggressive towards ME, and with lots of time and patience, got them to stop biting me. I feel it must be possible also to get them to stop biting each other, but I need a little help.

I have thought of a few things, perhaps to house them next yo each other but with a partition so they can see each other but not bite, letting them get used to it. I have also thought about switching them around periodically so they get used to each others smell/territory. Even use the T shirt trick, but put the t shirt with one tegu and then leaving it with the other.

Hopefully someone will respond on this forum. I really want to give this a try before either resigning yo the fact they have to be separate, or rehoming the red.