Hello all,

I'm in need of some advice I suppose. I have read various threads on the internet, including this forum, regarding wild caught red-tailed ratsnakes. I bought a pair from LLLReptile less than a couple of weeks ago, and upon opening the box, I observed that the female was very spindly, had a stuck shed, and had odd ridges along the length of her body. The male looked well, and still does. The female is continuing to decline. I have found many schools of thought, as some say WC will generally die from stress if you try to handle and treat their conditions, and some say it's worth trying. I kept thinking the female was going to pass but she is still hanging on. I've never really had a snake that was unhealthy before (except for a corn that I got on craig's list that randomly convulsed and subsequently died). I'm just not sure if it's worth it to take her to the vet, and I don't know that there are any good herp vets around.

I have attempted to feet F/T mice and the male showed interest but didn't go for it. The female zero interest. Anyone have experiences with these guys that can offer some advice? I have handled both upon taking them out of the package, and the male just for seconds today for the first time since getting him. The female I have examined. They do not strike or bite, as it seems most people would have one believe they would. The female seems to have some mouth issue going on that I observed today.

I didn't contact LLL as I figured WC has the risk that you'll receive an unhealthy animal. Not sure if I should have or not. I've bought from them before and had nothing but great things to say.
