Howdy y'all!

Ok, now that I got that out of the way (I never say howdy)...

I will be a first time snake owner, just as soon as I get my first snake either today or within the next week. My brother introduced me to this site, and I've already learned some extremely helpful tips (I actually read the stickies!). I've got my tank set up, I seemed to have worked out the bugs, and I'm already loving the look of it. It just needs a snake!

A little about me... I am a married mother of three kiddos (elementary age and a toddler); we live in North Texas. We also have a French Mastiff that will be two years old next week. She's a great dog. So great that we don't need another one. Snakes it is, for our next pet(s)!! I'm a stay at home mom that has always loved and wanted snakes, though I grew up with a mom that thought, "the only good snake is a dead snake." Nooo! Recently, we were visiting my parents on their country land, and my husband and I had to catch and relocate a BEAUTIFUL 5'-6' long green speckled king snake, to save it from the shovel. That rekindled my interest in snakes, then..... My brother got a ball python, and I really fell in love. As if that wasn't enough, he tipped the scales (haha, no pun intended) by getting two young red tail boas. That was it. Sold! Shut up and take my money, I want a snake!

I'm going to check out a couple males today and hopefully bring one home. Yes, just one, for now.... I will post pics of my new guy and his tank soon.

(still working on a signature, so pretend there is something awesome here)