Hey guys! So my BP doesn't much like eating the day after a shed apparently, so I am stuck with a feeder adult mouse til she gets hungry.

I'm trying to figure how to keep it, you know, safe, healthy, happy ish. I don't enjoy the thought of killing it, however painlessly, the only thing I could consider is dry ice, and broke til Friday. I know, my husband thinks I shouldn't have a snake if I am uncomfortable performing a cervical dislocation, but I love animals, it would make me sad... She doesn't like f/t anyway.

Currently it is in a large tupperware with holes every inch around the top about as big around as my corkscrew (hey, it worked), it is bedded down with clean white toilet paper. A large plastic bottle cap holds strawberry bits and a little of my high quality cat food. A big medicine bottle cap (well cleaned) holds water. It is on a high bookshelf, away from my cats interests.

How is this for a temp setup? I hope to get a cage this weekend.