Sorry this is a long one. I just want to be sure and give you guys as many details as possible.

So I don't own bearded dragons at the moment. This pertains to my little cousin's first beardie who passed away last night while I was up here visiting.

She was 1 day over a year old and had been in brumation since October. It was almost like she was in a coma. She would flop from one end of her tank to another through the day and would drink if her mouth was placed under a tiny stream of water everyday. Her eyes would never open and she looked kinda drunk when she did move. For the most part she just slept.

She slowed down and began eating less before brumation and had a bowl movement before she went to sleep as well. Since she has been asleep she has had a bowl movement about once every two weeks.

The entire time she was in brumation her mouth stayed open as well and we eyes started to sink in a little in the last few weeks.

The only other detail that may or may not be important is that since they got her at 6 weeks old, her back legs had always seemed a bit derpy. She got around fine but seemed a bit always moved slower and differently than the other dragons.

Does anyone have an idea of what could've went wrong? Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help us understand.