I just got a beautiful Lesser Pastel male from Repticon on Saturday. He's around 110 grams, and 2 months old! He is very inquisitive, and loves to explore. I have him set up in a 14 qt sterilite tub with a locking lid and paper towels for substrate. He has two small hides, a cardboard tube, and a small water dish. He has a heating pad hooked up to a Hobbystat thermostat. The humidity is currently 66% and the warm side is 92, and the cold side is 77. When I got up today, his tub was fogged up and I had to take him out and make a few more holes. Then when I got home from work, his tub was fogged up again, and i switched his large water bowl out for a smaller one, and I plan on making more holes tomorrow. I have a few questions. I'm quite paranoid, and I want to make sure everything is okay so he can be happy and healthy!

  1. I haven't seen him drink much water yet, is that normal?
  2. He stays in his warm hide a lot, is that okay?
  3. Can a tub that's too humid cause an RI, or any other disease?
  4. He hasn't peed or pooped yet
  5. He sticks his head out occasionally, looks around, goes up to his water dish (but doesnt drink?) and then goes back inside.
  6. I've seen him yawn two times, is that alright?
  7. I am worried about him getting dehydrated since I haven't seen him drink and he hasn't peed.

Again, I'm sorry if I sound paranoid but this is my first Ball Python and my first snake, I want to make sure everything is perfect so he can live a long, happy life!

Also! My friend got a female Cinnamon possible het Ghost, at 130 grams and 3 months old! She has the exact same set up as I do (warm side 90, cool side 80, humidity 64), and her bp is more shy than mine is! When she went to put her down in her tub, she peed on her. And when she has gone to change her tub, she peed on her again. So far, her bp (named Mitzu) has peed a total of 3-4 times, and pooped once. I am concerned that she might become dehydrated? Also, are there any bad affects to peeing so often? It's only been a day (today is Sunday, we got the snakes on Saturday)? It's because of stress, but shes peeing quite a bit! My friend would really appreciate the help!!

Please help ease my mind I would appreciate any answers to my questions, thanks!