So, today I've noticed it getting progressively colder (as it tends to do in the winter). Last winter in California was warm and dry, with only a few inches of rain. This winter however is much colder. My question to you is - How do you keep your BP warm in the cold winter? Today I noticed an extreme drop in his temperatures (the warm side was down to 70!) I noticed increased inactivity of Monty and immediately took him out to warm him up when I noticed his temperature so low. I took all the precautions to figure out why his tank had gotten so cold. Once I had warmed him up he seemed to be a little more active.

I fed him 4 days ago, and his eyes are starting to blue, so I expected some inactivity, but he usually peeks his head out most the time to see what me and my husband are up to.

Do you have any suggestions on how to keep his tank warmer? I have the warmest heat lamp accessible in my part of the state, I have 1 UTH on the side of his tank (as ball pythons can't sense heat coming from the bottom and I don't want my baby to get burnt), and I currently have two towels over the top of his tank to keep the heat in. My husband put warm water on his moss, and re-filled his bowl with warm water as well (not scalding hot, but a few degrees warmer than what I let him soak in when he gets a bath, as he tends to not soak in his water bowl). His tank is up to 78.8 and still rising slowly.

Any suggestions are welcome! Thank you!