Hi everyone, I have a quick question about Shesha. I have noticed that in one area he has some scales that look like the shiny outer coating is gone. They look rough and have no gloss to them. Now I had originally attributed it to the fact that he tore his shed at just about that exact same area, as the problem was first noticed after he shed. He somehow managed to rip the old skin about 2/3 down his body and the entire last 1/3 was still on. I did have to assist him on that shed, but I had originally thought that perhaps the amount of tugging it took to tear it could have ripped some of the new scales off with it. There are no other scale issues, just this one damaged area, but given that fungal and bacterial infections are a thing I felt that it would be wise to run it past everyone here. Hopefully someone has seen this or something similar before and can give me some insight into what may be going on. The area does not appear to be spreading or changing in size. I should also mention that he does have a habit of pushing his back against the entrance to his hide and he enters it. It is like as he is slithering in he arches he back to scrape it along the top of the entrance. He usually pushes this same area of his body against the hide, probably just because it is the area he has the most muscular control and leverage in. Any help would be greatly appreciated.