Hey again, I got back one of the two babies I'd gotten a while back. This one is the one that was 46g when I got her on 2/12/13, She was hatched 9/25-26, and that small at approx 5m old. She went to a friend and was doing good for a while, then my friend got a group of feeders (live) that killed almost all of her collection. Out of 10+ snakes, this is the only one who made it. After being seen at the vet, she was given a clean bill of health.

She lost a lot of weight, and has been a problem feeder ever since. There is no where to get live mice anymore, so it's a forced switch to F/t mice.

I got her back today and I don't have a scale, but I'm guessing her to be between 150-200g. She'd been on 1 L f/t mouse a week, but here's the problem. I'm told that when they were able to get her to eat, she'd half way digest the mouse, then regurge the rest.

I've googled it and I can't find anything for a Bp regurging half the meal. I'm wondering if the mice weren't thawed all the way, if she's got a very delicate stomach after the bad rat (at the time she was eating XS rats), if she really just doesn't like the f/t, or if she doesn't like mice...

I'm going to get her small f/t mice, and roll them in rat bedding from the local petstore to scent them, then try feeding her and hope that she keeps it down.

Meanwhile, I was hoping someone on here would have seen or heard of a similar situation and could offer some advice.

I'm just getting her set up so I'll be aiming for the correct temps/humidity. She's on papertowels atm, with 1 hide, a log and her water bowl. I plan on putting her on aspen w/ some moss on the side. Same set up I've got for my other babies, (they're all doing amazingly) She's in a 20gal tall with a screen top, for the moment; it's what she came in. I'll be making a lid for her that's half solid, half screen.

She instantly drank when I put the dish in there, she doesn't feel skinny, just... small for her age, so I know she's not starving herself.

Any suggestions, ideas or insight?