I put this in General because I really have no idea where it would go because it doesn't really fit anywhere else.

Coles notes - When I was in my first year of university, I developed a blood clot in my leg. Basically, there is nothing they could do except pump me full of painkillers and blood thinners and hope it broke up. This spectacularly crappy treatment made it so that I a) had a fragment of clot go to my lung (although I was lucky, it didn't go to my heart or my brain). B), my muscles were cut off from oxygenated blood for so long that my muscles in my leg atrophied. Causing me daily, chronic pain. I get to have a lovely cocktail of drugs every day to try and alleviate the pain. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

The pain also makes me stressed, and the tense body isn't good for the pain either.

I haven't found anything to help me de stress as much as playing with Nagini does. Or even just chilling on the computer with her sitting on my chest as she is right now.

Snake therapy is the absolute best.