Hey everyone,

My partner and I will be moving near the end of the summer, and I haven't ever had to move with my critters before. We were hoping to be able to have about a week or two overlap between places so we could slowly move our things out, rather than all at once.

I always wondered why it is that often you have to be out of your current place by the last day of the month, and usually cannot move in to your new place until the first of the next month. What do you do for that one night!?
It is now even more of a concern for me with snakes (and soon to be a blue tongued skink). I am not terribly worried about my corn, because she can do without a UTH for one night so long as I don't feed her any time near to our move. However, for my ball python and skink, they do require higher heat - and for the skink specifically, UVB light.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what can be done with the move, and where to keep the reptiles warm and comfortable? We have thought of dismantling their PVC enclosures, setting them up at a friends/relatives for a night or two, and then moving them. However that is a lot of added work (which we of course will already be doing with the move). We would like to conserve as much time and energy as possible.

If anyone has had successful (or unsuccessful) experiences with moving homes with their snakes/reptiles, I would love to hear about them!

Thank you all in advance. Cheers!