I've seen a couple videos and talked to some people who believe (certain) morphs have temperaments. Though there seems to be some discrepancy with some morphs. For example, I've had some people tell me that piebalds are extremely sweet while other say that piebalds are overall very nippy.

Are lighter color morphs more docile and sweeter than darker ones?

And how much of the parents' temperament has an effect on the hatchlings? (since temperament is partly genetic....) From your experience, are hatchlings from "aggressive"/nippy parents more likely to be "aggressive" and nippy? Are sweet and docile parents more likely to produce sweet and docile offspring?

Do you guys have any other beliefs regarding temperament? Or are snakes just snakes?

I know each snake has an individual personality, but thought these two points could spark an interesting discussion. Look forward to seeing what you guys all think!