Hello all,

Bit of a background. I have been scared of spiders my whole life. House spiders horrify me. I have only seen a Tarantula a few times in person at a friends house, never held one.

Now, I think they are very pretty animals and I think owning one would be pretty interesting. I believe I will be less scared of T's than I am regular house spiders. They seem to be more calm and their larger legs and bodies seem to make them seem friendlier to me for some reason. I was just wondering if any of you were scared when your got your first T and used it to over come your fear or if you overcame it before getting your first one? I was hoping to go to my local reptile shop and see if they would allow me to hold one and see how it goes.

I know this could be a terrible idea. I just wanted to see if any of you have been in the same boat as me? Talk me out of it or push me towards it!