I've been trying to get the temps and humidity just right but I've been having a bit of a hard time. I use a UTH which sits under his hide and is attached to the thermostat. The thermostat probe is attachd to the UTH on the outside. The problem I'm having is that ill set the thermostat to 90, yet the digital thermometer probe which sits in the warm hide will read 78 or so. I find myself having to turn the thermostat to 100 for his warm hide to be @ around 90. The humidity right now reads 73, I just misted the enclosure and soaked the moss. He still seems to be dehydrated and gets pale in color. Then I soak him for a few minutes and his color brightens and he looks 10 times better. He is almost done shedding I'm just trying to figure out his temps and humidity. Any advice would help.