I hate to have to post this, but it is driving me nuts. So here is my feeding issue:
Tank setup:
40gal breeder with sliding glass doors
Repti carpet for substrate (use to have bark but changed it in the hope that this would fix the issue-it didn’t)
Hot side-90F, cool side today is about 75F but it typically around 79-80F
Humidity goes between 55 and 65 (use to be higher but I moved the snake setup out of the fish room and into my master bedroom and it made no differance)
Snake is a female 100% het pied ringer who is currently just pushing 600grams and was born some time in 2012
I got this snake, SilverFox, and her sister towards the beginning of the year and while her sister eats like a pig, she refuses to eat. Her sister is a few months older than her and is already 1100g! I purchased these 2 females to keep as pets and possibly future breeders. I have already spoken with the breeder and tried numerous things to encourage the smaller female to eat, but nothing has worked. I think she is afraid of food. When I got them, I looked for snakes that were already on f/t. Well this girl is just weird. Last month I got her to eat 2 live rats back to back. The month before that I offered her a f/t rat that she pushed around with her nose and then finally ate without so much as straggling it. It has been about 3 weeks or so since she last ate, but every Monday night I have offered her food, ither live or f/t. Last night I thought maybe she just did not like the size of the rat I offered on Monday. So I gave her a small rat that was live. She was terrified of it. She went into her water dish and submerged herself! I took the rat out and killed it and then left it in her tank over night. After it died, she did come over to it and pushed it around, then went to the other side of the tank. I removed the rat this morning.
The things I have tried:
Moved the snake display out of my fish room becuz the cats and ferrets were also allowed in that room, so the breeder said that was the issue. Ok I moved the snakes into my bedroom were No animals are allowed. It has been almost a month and she is still not eating.
I changed her from repti bark to carpet because the breeder kept her on paper towels. The breeder also told me I HAD to get her a snake rack. Well she needs to figure out that food is ok becuz I nether have the desire or the money to get a snake rack that has tubes in it.
I moved her location in my display set up (its 5 40gallon tanks that go up) so that she was not on the bottom were she might feel threatened, made no difference whatsoever. Here is a photo of my 2 girls. The one in the back is Tattersail and the one in the front is the one with the feeding issues, SilverFox. Her sister Tattersail will JUMP out of the tank to get a rat..*sigh* I just want her to eat normal! GRRR.