Well after 5 years of keeping, it's the moment I've been waiting for! Last night, I came home at around 8:00pm to two heads poking out of the eggs, and today when I came home at 4:00pm, two had partially emerged! I am still waiting for them to fully emerge, and for two eggs to pip, but here they are so far! Pairings were between November and May, and my female lesser laid five healthy eggs on August 1st, when I was on vacation to the International Herpetological Symposium of course! She had 2 roll outs, one of which started molding around day 14, and I eventually threw it away after it started smelling. The other roll out plumped back up (it was severely dehydrated), and is still candling well, although it hasn't pipped yet. The first two pipped on day 62, and like I said, I am still waiting on the other two (now day 63 and counting...).

Egg weights were as follows:
Roll out 1 (molded): 98 g
Roll out 2 (still hanging on...): 108 g
Clump of 3: 327 g (109 g average)

First is a picture of the 5 eggs when I got to them, 4 days after laying (I ended up checking the egg temperature, resetting the incubator to 1* higher, and upping it by 1* every 24 hours so the temperature didn't rise too quickly, and incubated at 88.5*). The egg in the lower left is the one that didn't make it:

Next up is the little head poking out:

And the most recent one! Appears to be one calico (some nice dorsal yellow, possible pastel calico), and one lesser (at first glance...):

Also, I got to see the supposed lesser drinking its (possibly?) first drink of water from the condensation on the side of the tub!

I will post parent pictures and a picture of the DIY incubator later. Female was an RDR Lesser hatched on 10/5/10, and the male was a pastel calico (F&F) from Dynasty Reptiles, hatched I believe October 2011.

Thanks for sharing in my excitement!