I take it no one on this forum has anacondas?
What do you guys think of the keeping of green anacondas, for pets?
I guess I made this post because, at a local (and very crappy) pet store in Buffalo NY, I saw a green anaconda. It was probably about ten feet long, coiled in a comparatively tiny tank. They were offering the snake for under $200 to whoever would take it, because someone had dropped it off at their store, not wanting it. Yes, this was a young green anaconda; I saw it with my own two eyes.
I never imagined that I'd see one of these things outside a zoo, let alone in a ghetto Buffalo pet store. I never went back there again, hence I have no idea what actually happened to the snake. My boyfriend went in there not long ago and said that it was gone.
On one hand, I want to say, that I think that no layperson should be allowed to own such a huge snake as a pet. On the other hand, I think that if the government banned this type of snakes, it would not be a far cry to say that our smaller boas and pythons would be balled also someday. I just hope that people who keep green annies know what they are in for, and don't go dropping them off at smarmy pet shops!