Hello all you beardie lovers. Got some questions about beardies. I just got one today! I have him in a ten gallon setup with paper towel bedding. A fake tree stump for him to bask on. The basking temp is at about 95 to 102 degrees. Well I kinda felt sorry for the little guy/girl. He only has three feet. His front left foot and half the forearm are gone. Said it happened by a sibbling. Other had what they called nipped tails. I have looked into beardies for a while and saw him. Talked to the guy for a while asked a few questions. And decided that I had to have him. He has so much peronality. He does so many funny things. And I have only had him a few hours. I wanted to know if I should let him be for a few days. Just to settle him into his new world. How bad is stress in beardies??? Also I feed him six crickets toady when I got him home We dusted them with Mineral dust, and we gave him some pieces of beardie food. Hes ate everything in the cage to eat. Am I feeding enough?? I also got to books on beardies. Which I plan to read later this evening. I will get pic of him up on the site later on. Thanks for all the help. Oh and if anyone would have any suggestions about removing an old shead that would be great. Oh and I will get pic of his encloser too.