Sole purpose of this camera will be pictures of snakes in a lightbox. I honestly have no intention of making this a hobby, I just want close as possible to true color pictures of my animals. Also another thing that would be nice is a camera that charges like a phone. Right now this camera takes 4x AA's and runs out in no time. Wish I could just plug it in and everything would be good. Another thing that annoys me about the one I have now, is the lcd screen color on the camera is different than what shows up on the computer sometimes. So I take a picture, go yup that looks right, then load it up on the computer and it looks off color. I started hooking up the camera to my TV when I shoot, just so I could see the color. but then the camera can't send a hi-res signal, so the picture looks like crap on the tv lol.

So I know absolutely nothing about cameras and photography in general. I think my needs are pretty specific where I hope I don't have to spend a lot, I just want the picture to look like how it does in real life. Any suggestions or any research I should start doing? If there is a point and click that will do the job I'm all for it lol.