Seeing as though many of us had lost snakes within the same week for no percieved reason, could there be a snake illness that doctors arent keen on? Or perhaps the food source could be tainted with some kind of illness (or worse)?

My snake seized or had a stroke before he died, idk if any of you saw your snake behave that way before they passed.
The strange thing is though, he was fine when I shut off his light, and fine for 2 hours in the morning, and then he seized... he was fine for days, weeks, years, before that, and then all of a sudden, he died.... like whatever hit him, hit him hard or he had pre-existing issues that I never knew about. I'm fearful that if he had an illness, his sister could have it... the vet didnt find anything wrong with him or her.. so idk whats the culprit. i find it suspicious that a lot of snakes died this week for no apparent reason.... I just want answers!!! And I'm sure you all do too!!