OK, I know I haven't put up any pics of Waldo and Scooby Doo yet, but they can be very difficult little fellows to find (hence the names -- Scooby is the easier to find of the two).

After the white lights are off and the green party light is on (the only color the store had), they'll come out and wander around. Night before last I watched them both, and last night I just watched Scooby. I had put 6 crickets in the cage at about 30 minutes past lights out, hoping they'd eat.

Scooby didn't disappoint me. He had watched me from behind the litter pan as I misted then put the crickets in, and after I locked the enclosure back up, he slowly came forward until he was nearly face-to-face with me. After a few minutes of watching me, he cocked his head as if listening then started up the side of the litter box.

He came creeping slowly down to the floor of it, found a cricket outside the deli cup it was supposed to be in, and snatched it up right away! By the time he was done, he had eaten every one of the crickets I put in, and even ate two at once. That tells me the crickets I have are smaller than he needs, because he should only need 2-4 per meal.

I felt badly that Waldo didn't have anything left for him, so I put another half dozen crickets in the cage for him, and when I looked this morning there were two left, so I hope Waldo ate the other four. If not, Scooby is going to get to be a big crested gecko long before Waldo does.

These guys are very cute and fun to watch, but I find myself wishing I'd made it more difficult for them to hide so well. I keep worrying they may have gotten out, but then someone will report a Waldo sighting and I'll feel better again. At least if Scooby keeps eating the way he did last night, he won't be able to hide his entire body as easily much longer.