Hey everyone, I am in need of some help. I have two older dogs. One is a 14 year old Alaskan Malamute ( male ) and a 12 year old Siberian Husky ( female) These two dogs are completely INSEPARABLE! The female has been with the male her entire life. He is all she has ever known. ( It was very cute , when the male was 2 i brought him to a Husky breeder to make sure he liked his new friend before I brought her home ,but instead he actually went into the litter and dragged her out of the crowd! I guess he made his choice! ) It has been a love story ever since. The problem is The male has gotten cancer and is now at the point where he is suffering and I have to take him to be euthanized to end his suffering ( he is in a great deal of pain!) I am very worried about how his companion is going to take this. I have an appointment on this Wednesday ( 2 days from now ) to take him in. The female already have anxiety issues and im afraid this will send her over the edge? A few people have said to bring the husky to the vets office and after he has passed to let her sniff him. ( its supposed to bring closure) but I dont know , to me that just sounds like a BAD idea??? Im not a dog psychologist though. Does anyone else have any experience with this situation where one dog is let after its mate has passed? I would love some advice as to ideas to help her cope! Right now im dying inside, im losing my best friend and have to watch her suffer as well! Being an adult sucks sometimes!!!