Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone else had experience with aggressive hog island boa babies. I think mine hates me. Got him from Vin Russo and he is simply GORGEOUS. A 2012 baby. He doesn't seem to mind my husband who can pick him up fine it seems. Last time I held him he was chillin on my wrist for like 10 min. Then he decided to move and I thought he just wanted to explore. Nope, seems he just wanted to eat my face. Literally took a bite on my lip. He lets go, so it seems defensive. He strikes at me when I clean his cage etc. He has escaped twice and been found. Sneakly little man, lol. I want to be able to hold him and even though he is little it makes me nervous around him, just waiting for it. I'm used to my laid back bps I guess. Granted my husband barely interacts with him but each time he has, Banjo has been fine. Do I smell like a mean lady? He is in a 15 qt tub, 90 hot spot, 60% humidity with a nice cozy hide and a nice rat fuzzy each week. So, why does he hate me? I do understand he will probably calm with age but I'm still getting used to a boa's personality I suppose