Quote Originally Posted by JLC
Wwoooowwww.... Can I go shopping with you next time??? Oh wait....I WILL go shopping with you next time! (Can't wait 'til the May show!!!)
Judy, the May show scares me. If we did that at a small show, I can only imagine what will happen at a larger one. I'll have to practice self-control between now and then.

The new python is gorgeous and very active. I'll try to get some good photos tonight to post for you all.

Quote Originally Posted by Marla
it would be nice if people would also post information about vendors they saw/met at shows who stood out for being good or bad and why.
I think that's a great idea, Marla. There were definite differences between the vendors. The one that we bought 2 of the 4 new ones from had an awesome setup, very clean, very organized, beautiful snakes, and he talked a good deal about their temperaments, how to handle them, how to keep them, etc. The other two we purchased from were good in those respects as well, but there were a few others there that I would not have purchased anything from for various reasons. Most of the vendors have websites, so Smulkin and I would be happy to put some information together for the business section.