So my male lemon blast is completely messed... honestly considering euthanizing the poor thing... he seems to have no control of his head and corkscrews it into the ground and just sits there like that. He let me take substrate out of his mouth, just held it open for me... and he seems completely oblivious to his surroundings. His jaw looks unhinged as if he were eating and he doesn't flick his tongue out of his mouth. Seems like he had a lobotomy. At first I thought maybe he had swallowed substrate and become impacted or possibly choking, but I don't think thats the problem based on the neurological symptoms.

I have had him for nearly two years and he is the most recent addition to my snake collection, so I don't think it could have been anything transmitted unless it could have been brought in on my clothes or something from a local pet store. My other snakes (7 other ball pythons and a boa) all seem to be doing fine.

I am reading up as much as I can on what might be happening, IBD symptoms without any vomiting seems like the most accurate description. I will get him to a vet asap but that will be tomorrow at the earliest and honestly may be too late... I would still get a necropsy done, though.

I've turned his heat up, and gave him a warm bath... during which he seemed like he would be quite content to stick his head underwater and leave it there...

Is there anything else that would be suggested for me to do at this point?

Thanks for your help...