Quote Originally Posted by wilomn View Post
If these are hondurans, or most any other generally kept colubrid, they will when they're ready. First, be sure they're a pair. Cooling is necessary from some, helpful to all. Your sizes are good for breeding and the female might be knocked up already. Pictures would help.

Just re-read my thread....
Could she be pregnant already??? I never saw them lock up though...

I have noticed odd behavior out of both of them. She is behaving strangely..... really attracted to the hotspot... and then curled up in, what I describe as, the "stereotypical snake-coil" in the corner of the tank on the cool side. The male has been more alert and I've even noticed that he's paying more attention to her and kind of shadowing her in the tank....... like, stalking? Kinda? Not in a preditorial way, but, like, an attraction sort of way.

If I did a cooling, would reducing the temp to 75 degrees daytime and 70 degrees night time for about a week be alright? I ask those temps specifically because that's what I keep my house at, would I have to cool them for longer than that, or would that week without heating jumpstart any breeding behavior?