Seems like alot of people need help raising the humidity of their enclosure, but how do you lower it? Where I live, the humidity outside right now is 100% and it's been raining for a few days. With temps in the 70's, neither the A/C or heat has been turned on inside. The humidity inside my snakes' rubbermaid containers is 88-94%. I removed the water dish from the warm side and put on the cooler side. No difference. Removed the water dish all together... no change. Switched from cypress mulch to newspaper, and that lowered the humidity by about 2% for a little bit but the newspaper and walls of the rubbermaid were soaked within an hour. I was gonna add some more ventilation holes to the container, but I decided to check the room humidity before doing that. The humidity inside my house is 97% (at least according to the digital thermometer/hygrometer I use in the rubbermaid), so it's actually a bit lower inside the rubbermaids.

My ball just started a shed, so I'm not too concerned at the moment, but it definitely needs to be lowered soon. My Redtail Boa I am worried about, though.

How long can snakes be exposed to high humidity before you really have to start worrying about respiratory infections? The weather outside is supposed to be drying up some now that the rain has stopped, but I still won't need to use my air conditioning system for a while. Any suggestions?