I lost my sweet old Siamese mix kitty a little while ago, and my big Maine Coon boy was lonely. I got this crazy crazy little guy - I knew it was trouble when I saw his picture on Petfinder (I was just looking for fun, I swear) and he was sooooooo cute! They all get along pretty well, but he was meant to be a playmate for Apollo. That didn't work as well as it should have. Apollo went from my playful old kitty (he's 11) to a grumpy old man most of the time. I think the kitten is too much, even for him. He's like the annoying little brother following him around everywhere and copying EVERYTHING he does, right down to "burying" the food dish, rolling the treat ball and sleeping on my head.

Anyway, I've had him for a few months now and he still has the crazies. His name is Gatsby, but I've called him Noodle because he just kind of flops around when you pick him up. I've never had a kitten so crazy, though. He never ever ever stops running...

The day he came home:

A few weeks ago

Apollo for fun (I can't leave him out)

Showing the remains of his mohawk. It's almost time for his Spring dental cleaning and haircut.