Quote Originally Posted by nimblykimbly View Post
Wow, I didn't expect to get such a tongue-lashing and belittling for my opinion and statement. To say I sound misinformed makes you sound misinformed, since Am Staffs and APBTs are actually two different breeds of dogs. I've owned pit bulls for the last 8 years and had to do extensive research on them, since we are a military family and the military has tough restrictions on them. To say that the AKC recognizes Am Staffs has nothing to do with APBTs. As for the APBR, that is an American Pit Bull Registry, and is completely different from 'papering' a full-breed dog. You guys can try to be nasty and talk down to me all you want, but I didn't say anything wrong, nor did I try to cast a bad light on the breed. Get a grip. As for the weight, pardon me for not noticing he was over 70 lbs. yeesh.
Speaking for myself and my post...
I was NOT belittling nor tongue lashing anyone. I was simply notating what was true and what was false based on facts. I am sorry that you are thin-skinned, as you are on a public forum, where everyone voices their opinions and knowledge freely, when done in a respectful manner. In no way was I disrespectful.

Since you'd like to bring up how long you have owned 'pit bulls', my family owned this breed of dog generations before I was even born. Since you have owned 'pit bull' type dogs for 8 years, then you should see where I am coming from on my statements in regards to mis-identifying the breed and whats often results from it. Surely you are aware of BSL and the fight we have to fight daily to maintain our right to own our breed of choice?

I don't think the other poster was malicious in ANY way either. He was simply stating facts about registries. American Pit Bull Terriers ARE a registered breed, as they have been for many many years. In fact, before the ADBA was formed in 1909, the UKC actually registered the breed.

I am not in a pi$$ing match here by ANY means, but if I see any incorrect info pertaining to this breed of dog that I am very passionate about and have a lifelong dedication to, I will certainly speak up. The fact that you took such great offense is unfortunate, but was not intended.

There are far too many mis-conceptions about this breed out there already to add to it.